Monday 24 June 2013

Magical Places of Britain - A new book by Rob Wildwood!

Once, long ago in our pagan past, the natural landscape was seen as a place of magic and mystery, a place where wild spirits of nature dwelt and faery magic haunted the twilight.

At certain locations these spirits were especially powerful. Magical springs and waterfalls, fairy hills and mystical caves were seen as entrances to their Otherworld realm. In these mysterious places it was possible to make direct contact with the haunted realm of spirits. Fairies, pixies and hobgoblins were very real beings who had to be treated with respect and reverence in these special places.

But now, due to the ravages of time and the relentless onslaught of civilization, only a handful of these places still survive. Having escaped centuries of change these sacred places have become all but forgotten, little pockets of wild magic in a modern landscape.

In this book we will take you on a journey to uncover these hidden places and bring the ancient magic back to life using stunning full colour photographs and extracts of legend and local folklore.

We shall explore enchanted forests, haunted waterfalls and pools, mystic mountains, sacred springs, fairy hills, magic caves and many other places of mystery and enchantment in the British landscape.

Then embark upon your own quest using the simple directions given at the end of each section and follow in the footsteps of Rob Wildwood as you discover Britain's Magical Places!"

Rob Wildwood (Aurvandil) has now released a book containing hundreds of his own stunning full colour photos of many of the magical places he has visited. Each image captures the magic and mystery of the site and is enhanced by snippets of folklore that tempt further investigation. Every site listed has full directions and map grid references that can be looked up online, so you will not miss out on any of these hidden magical locations!

You can view my new book and purchase it online from or from

For more pictures and information about magical places please 'like' the Magical Places Facebook Page

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